Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kitchen Table Time-Dinner Bell?

Making time for family, taking time to eat.  Who does this anymore? It’s a shame cause I recently was invited for dinner with friends and their kids. After saying Grace, they began a discussion with their kids asking them to each describe what the best part of their day was.  Then, their Mom and Dad chimed in. Then the conversation went full circle until it came to me. I said the best part of my day is this feeling I have right now.  Enjoying a great meal, spending time with great friends but most importanly making me realize just how special and powerful the dinner table really is.
My friend said to me that she received a dinner bell as a gift at their wedding. Since then, just having it present in and around the kitchen, reminds them everyday what it symbolizes and its power. Having shared this expereince, I thought this would be a perfect Christams gift. It’s simple, innexpensive, but more importantly it spotlights the importance of family and time spent together.


Happy Holidays!  


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